actus MonacoSanté
Thinking about having a baby? Find out what to expect!


Thinking about having a baby? Find out what to expect!


Pregnancy takes preparation

Getting pregnant in the best state of health possible is essential for a good pregnancy overall and for the development and health of your future child. A consultation prior to pregnancy allows you to obtain information and advice and conduct medical screening to ensure your pregnancy goes well.
You can meet with an obstetrician or a midwife to assist you in preparing for a pregnancy.


The following is available in addition to mandatory medical check-ups and ultrasounds


Individual early antenatal consultation
Scheduled after the fourth month (20 weeks) of pregnancy, this appointment with a doctor or midwife can be attended alone or with your partner. It is an opportunity to talk about the baby’s arrival, address any questions and identify your emotional, psychological and social needs. 

Antenatal check-up
This is an appointment with a midwife to review your eating habits and vaccinations, address any tobacco or alcohol consumption, and give you information about available preventive care such as a dental exam or parenting classes. The midwife will assist you in organising these activities. This check-up can be scheduled any time between the first and sixth month of pregnancy.

Birth plan appointment
A birth plan allows you to express your preferences individually and as a couple and to organise aspects such as medical care during your pregnancy, preparation for birth and parenting, what support you would like to have during the birth, your baby’s arrival and your return home.
By writing out your birth plan, you can share and discuss it with the healthcare teams who will be supporting you in your future and new role as parents. 

Prenatal and parenting classes
A team of midwives teaches seven individual classes or in groups (to encourage interaction between future mums).

Early post-natal consultation
Four to eight weeks after giving birth, an appointment with a doctor or midwife is systematically offered to discuss the experience of childbirth, address any doubts, difficulties or feelings of anxiety you may have and identify needed support.


All of the above pre- and post-natal appointments are covered by medical or maternity insurance.

To plan for pregnancy and birth and book your appointments, contact: 

your private midwife or the Prenatal Coordination Centre at (+377)