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Three-day benefits waiting period suspended

Practical information – Latest

Three-day benefits waiting period suspended

Prince’s Government extends the suspension of the three-day waiting period for payment of benefits in the event of an absence from work due to requiring a PCR test

As part of efforts to stop the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Prince’s Government has suspended the three-day waiting period for payment of benefits in the event of an absence from work due to requiring a PCR test.

The measure, which took effect on 15 January 2021, has been extended to 28 February 2021.

In practice, when an employee or civil servant in the Principality has to take sick leave while awaiting a PCR test, he or she will receive daily allowances paid by the Social Services Compensation Fund (CCSS) or State Medical Benefits Office (SPME), as appropriate, from the first day of absence.

These allowances guarantee employees 50% of their salary. Depending on the applicable provisions in place at each company, the employer may ensure that employees continue to receive their full salary.

Suspending the waiting period before payment is intended to help support employees and civil servants to comply with self-isolation – a loss of income during this time could discourage people from doing so.

Implementation of this measure is subject to the issue of a “COVID for PCR test” sick note.