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E-sports medicine | Prevention for players

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E-sports medicine | Prevention for players


E-sports medicine

Understanding e-sports medicine and its role in traditional and active video games

By: Dr Simon Gonzalez, specialist in sports medicine at the Sports Medicine Centre

E-sports medicine is a field of sports medicine that addresses health problems linked to the practice of electronic sports, or e-sports, which have boomed since their official recognition by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2017. There are two types of games: traditional video games, played with a hand-held controller, and active video games, or AGVs, which use motion capture technology and, in terms of health, offer the advantage of involving real physical activity. Like athletes in any other sports discipline, e-sports athletes require medical monitoring.

Prevention and management of vision and sleep problems in e-sports

In terms of vision, staring at a screen for long periods can cause eye fatigue, visual disturbances or headaches. To preventthis, glare should be limited by adapting the lighting.

Management of eye fatigue and sleep problems in e-sports

Techniques exist to prevent eye fatigue, such as the 20-20-20 rule (looking at something 20 metres away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes). Correcting any visual disturbances by way of regular ophthalmological check-ups is also important. Lastly, screen-emitted blue light can cause photochemical damage and suppresses the release of melatonin in the brain, which has a negative effect on sleep-and-wake cycles and cognitive performance. Wearing blue-light-blocking glasses is recommended as well as keeping to a good sleep schedule. In particular, exposure to screens should be limited within 30 minutes before bedtime.

Recommendations for children practicing e-sports

Children should not play more hours per week than the age of the child (e.g., no more than 8 hours per week for an eight year-old) and other areas of interest should be identified.

Management of cardiovascular risks and mental health in e-sports

In terms of heart health, prolonged sitting for several hours combined with lack of aerobic activity, as well as sometimes questionable dietary choices, can lead to harmful cardiovascular events, including thrombosis or metabolic disorders, aggravated by a lack of sleep or nutritional disorders.

Importance of endurance training in e-sports

Endurance training is therefore fundamental for e-sport players, as their heart rate can reach 160-180 beats per minute during certain competitions. Regular exercise is also important to boost concentration levels and improve mood.

Management of anxiety and prevention of mental health problems in e-sports

Certain e-sport players incorporate yoga-inspired relaxation, calming and breathing techniques into their routine to manageanxiety and prevent mental health problems in general, which are common in the world of e-sports and can be linked to the cyberbullying, harassment or even physical assault sometimes encountered in this sphere. Standard medical questionnaires exist to detect these cases during medical consultations.

Prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders in e-sports

In terms of musculoskeletal health, hours spent in front of the screen can lead to joint pain, hence the importance of ensuring ergonomic positioning throughout the duration of matches. The most common problems reported in relation to prolonged poor posture are winged scapula, and in the back, hyperlordosis and thoracic hyperkyphosis.

Muscle strengthening and recovery techniques in e-sports

Regular training in a gym can prevent problems by strengthening and stretching muscles. Tendon disorders due to repetitive movements can appear in both traditional and AVC video game playing; the latter often involves the same movements seen in outdoor sports and can therefore result in the same injuries. Treatment of diagnosed tendinopathy can include rest, icing and the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Physiotherary sessions may also be required.